Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The truth still remains a mystery

As my last post raised a lot of questions, I decided that I need to explore the subject of Arab women and PR a little deeper. With the help from one of our lovely readers (thank you Sanna) I was able to find an insightful article focusing on this subject.

The article with the title Women and Public Relations Education and Practice in the
United Arab Emirates is written by Creedon, Al-Khaja and Kruckeberg (1995) and it can be found on the internet for example here.

Altough the article is written more than a decade ago, it still succeeds in providing a useful overall view of the history of PR in the United Arab Emirates and also in clarifying the role of Arab females in public relations education and practice.

The article points out that the tradition of strict segregation of education by sex remains in force at some of the universities located in the region. The article also gives a rather practical explanation to the question why the PR program is allowed for women only – a very high percentage of women students select primary education which does not correspond with the nation’s employment needs. Therefore Emirati women can now choose to study a profession that has been defined by the government as one that can help meet the needs of UAE society.


Written by: Elina

Monday, November 23, 2009

Challenges of democracy

As I have read articles about the public relations in the Arab world, one thing has repeated in the texts: lack of democracy. It seems that democracy is a necessity to successful public relations.

Kirat (2005) says that "Public relations needs an atmosphere of freedom and democracy, a milieu where individuals are respected, freedom of expression is guaranteed and differences are respected, but unfortunately, a large number of Arab countries do not enjoy democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and a strong public opinion." But what do the most of the Arabs and Muslims think about democracy?

Althought the Arab world has a reputation of authoritarianism there is a lot of support for democracy. Tessler and Gao (2005) say that "the data from the most recent round of the World Values Survey (WVS), carried out between 1999 and 2002, reveal broad support for democracy among Arab men and women. So what seems to be the problem? Why the democracy is so hard to achieve after all? Could there be some better solutions how Western countries could help with this process?

Alon Ben-Meir (2006) says that "the Arab states have much in common - religion, language and history. " Due to this there are four core measures that can be pursued in the region to effect democratic reforms: pursue gradual changes, provide economic incentives, develop democratic institutions and reform educational system (Ben-Meir, 2006).

I agree with Ben-Meir that it is important to understand the cultural diffrences and respect them. If Western world wants to help the Arab world to achieve democracy, it must be made carefully and not by forcing the states to the same democracy models that we have here. I also think that the public relations can help the democracy process. Maybe there does not need to be democracy before there can be good public relations, maybe the good public relations could actually help to achieve the democracy? Can you image the power that PR professional can have?

(Please notice that even thought I have used quite old references about the situation of democracy in the Arab world, there have not actually been a lot of improvement. Please see the links below. There are two really interesting articles to this topic.)

Why democracy in the Arab World is a two edged sword?

Syrian Novelist Talks About Impediments to Greater Democracy in the Arab World


Ben-Meir, Alon (2006). Challenges to democracy in the Arab and Muslim World. The Political Quarterly. Vol. 77, No. 3, 328-333.

Tessler, Mark & Gao, Eleanor (2005). Gauging Arab Support for Democracy. Journal of Democracy. Vol. 16, No. 3, 83-97.

Kirat, Mohamed (2005). Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment. Public Relations Review. Vol.31, Issue 3, 323-332.

Written by: Satu-Maria

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Noire Darwish, Great example of PR

A Really good example of International PR of Arabic Countries.
Nonie Darwish is an Egyptian-American human rights activist, scholar of Islam, and founder of Arabs For Israel. Darwish's speech topics cover human rights, with emphasis on women's rights and minority rights in the Middle East. She is the director of Former Muslims United.
By Jorge

Thursday, November 19, 2009

studying PR and professionalism of PR - viewpoint to PR's position in Arab today

I'll try to give you now few elements, witch define the condition of PR in Arab today.

According to Rizk, PR is used in Arabian countries to act namely between organizations and publics. So I think that tells much of how organizations use PR: to them it is widely accepted tool of gain more power. Managers want PR to legitimate their actions, what ever they do. Rizk also points out that PR students and the whole science in arab countries is already given a new dimension to PR (like respect between public and organization) but it also needs time to spread.
(Rizk, A. 2005. Future of Public Relations in United Arab Emirates institutions. Public Relations review. (volume 31))

Another view is given by Barry, who says PR in Arab is suffering from lack of practical methods and Arabic textbooks are out dated. Pr is still seen as pursuit of publicity. PR professionals are also writing news releases and coordinating special events, but strategic planning is missing!
(Barry, W.I.A. 2005. Teaching public relations in the information age: A case study of Egyptian university. Public Relations review. (volume 31))

Mohammed Kirat presents PR in arab still seen as tool for organizations to raise their image, but also tool of propaganda (in a bad way) and a tool for publicity. He also points out that Pr is seen as sharing public information and most of Arab PR limits to Grunig's first model. PR also suffers from stage of democracy: It means that PR won't be able to work correctly, because of lack of individual rights and lack of individual freedom itself.

Kirat points out many elements that are missing from the field of PR:
-lack of correct understanding and preciation of PR
-lack of resourses given to PR
-lack of strategies and absence of vision
-lack of professional manpower
-lack of organization's manager's right attitude towards PR and their interests on public feedpack
-lack of manager's right attitude also means that PR professionals has only small role in participating in decision-making
(Kirat, M. 2005. Public Relations practice in the Arab world: A critical assessment. Public relations review. (volume 31))

wrote: Kimmo

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Private: for girls only

After finding the website of MEPRA, I was eager to find more information concerning Middle-Eastern private PR agencies. The number of private sector agencies practising PR in the United Arab Emirates has grown significantly over the past decade. According to MEPRA data, there are over 22 private national and multinational PR agencies in the country.

Although the Arab world is considered to be one of the fastest-growing market in the world for PR business there are no clear demarcations between the roles of advertising and PR. In fact, the PR agencies in the UEA are primarily advertising agencies with PR functions and they carry out public relations within marketing activities. A survey of public relations programs in public and private organizations in the UEA showed that none of the private organizations in the UEA actually used the term ‘public relations’ in order to describe relations with external publics. In some cases, it was referred to as ‘external communication,’ ‘external relations,’ or even ‘marketing.’

As an aside, I would like to add that although the nature of PR in the Arab world is often described as somewhat vague, in recent years PR has become a popular subject of academic study in almost all UAE universities. For example universities in Abu Dhabi and in Sharjah provide a bachelor degree program in public relations and communication. In Abu Dhabi the program is available for female students only, though.

Reference: Ayish, Muhammad I. (2005) Virtual public relations in the United Arab Emirates: A case study of 20 UAE organizations’ use of the Internet

Written by: Elina

Monday, November 16, 2009

Challenges for Arab and American PR

There are lot of challenges for Arab and American public relations and public diplomacy. Ray Eldon Hiebert (2005) says that "both Arabs and Americans have developed negative opinions about each other, increasing the need for good public relations and public diplomacy between the two publics". This kind of situation where people have build up one-sided views and strong emotions, is a challenge for the public relations professionals.

"Misperceptions are particular problem in an age of global mass communication and this is a challenge that confronts both Arabs and Americans. Mass media offers us images of reality and often those images are skewed, sometimes deliberately but more often accidentally by cultural differences and the demands of rapid mass communication. Public relations provides a method of adjusting those images and perceptions". (Hiebert 2005.)

Hiebert (2005) emphasizes that even thought in America democracy is supposed to provide equality for all points of views for all races, religions and political persuasions, in reality everyone is scrambling to be heard and some voices are louder than others. He says that "we like to think that public relations can equalize the field because it provides a relatively easy and inexpensive way to be heard and to make a difference."

I think that we can all learn something from this example. It would be important that public relations professionals would listen each other and to be active in the "battle" with mass media. I believe that public relations can be effective tool to repair skewed images and to enrich the information we are receiving.

Reference: Hiebert, Ray Eldon. (2005). Commentary: Challenges for Arab and American public relations and public diplomacy in a global age. Public Relations Review. Vol.31 Issue 3, 317-322

Written by: Satu-Maria

Friday, November 13, 2009

Arabia Saudita & World against Terrorism

The first of Agust of 2005 came to the power of Arabia Saudita The King Abdallah bin Abd Al-Aziz. Hehas donde a lot of changes to change the face of this country. The web page www.memri.org, "middle east media research institute. It analize what he changed in this few years. In the terrorism level, those are the changes that Abd Al-Aziz promoted to finnish with it:

  • Punishing those involved in terrorism.
  • If someone contacts with terrorists pay a fine of 1 million euros.
  • In the past year, Saudi authorities broke terrorist cells, including one connected to Al-Qaeda who planned and undermine the Hajj pilgrims. Also they thwarted 180 attempts to carry out attacks inside Saudi Arabia, arrested more than 500 operators of Al-Qaeda, and progressed to eliminate sources of terrorist financing.
  • In December 2007, the conference of National Security and Information Technology in Saudi Arabia called for an international ban on the use of Internet and other technological media to spread terrorism.

Aso he did campaign in student institutions against terrorism and extremists.

"In his address to the 63rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said that the nations of the world needed to work together to combat extremists who seek to "propagate notions of intolerance, exclusion, racism and hatred."


By Jorge

Thursday, November 12, 2009

From the beginning of 20th century to Western participation in Saudi Arabian PR progression

In the beginning of 20th century applied Saudi states King Abdulaziz methods to communicate and interact with all parts of his country. There was no choise but to use interpersonal comminucation because lack of massmedia. He used majlis - a forum to conduct the business of the state and to talk people. The purpose was to permit idea exhance and public interaction. Also local shaiks started to use majlis to raise their credibitily and prestige among people. Majlis tradition has continued to present day as open court where the king enhances his credipility.

The year 1932 was a turning point in Saudi Arabian Pr field. That year was formed Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That kingdom faced new problems in communication: Leaders weren't able to keep touch so easily and great amount of people weren't easily kept satisfied. So King Abdulaziz used persuasion to convince religious leaders and other opinion leaders to share his view.

1935 Aramco - Arabian-American oil company - started to seek oil from Saudi Arabia. That company established a Reseach Department to study Saudi people's history, language etc. This was necessary to find a best way to communicate with the Saudi people. Now-a-days Aramco is controlled by Saudis and its PR- department is one of the biggest within Saudi Arabian covernmental agencies.

(Culbertson, H.M. & Chen. N. (1996) International Public Relations: a comparative analysis. lawrence Erlbaum associates Inc. New Jersey. [241-247]

wrote: Kimmo

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ten reasons to spend your Christmas Holidays on the Internet

Now that we have reached this point of blogging, I think it is time to introduce MEPRA to our readers. The Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA) was established in Dubai in the year 2001 as a non-profit organization to drive growth in the Middle East region’s PR industry.

Initially MEPRA was formed to fulfil the following objectives:

* To encourage and promote the public relations profession within the Middle East region
* To raise awareness of public relations as an important social and economic activity
* To raise professional standards and provide a structure for continuing professional development
* To provide practitioners with a forum to discuss PR issues
* To provide a unified voice for the public relations profession around the area of best practice and promote thought leadership on issues relating to public relations

Despite of its young age the organization seems to have a very active role in promoting PR profession in the Middle East. On the 24th November MEPRA is hosting a gala where the best PR campaigns are being awarded. There are 10 different prize categories concerning, for example, Corporate Social Responsibility, Government communications and Corporate Image and Reputation.

The winners of each category will be posted on the MEPRA website after the ceremony so I recommend that you keep an eye on that website during the Christmas Holidays.

To learn more about MEPRA, go to mepra.org

To learn more about Best Practice Awards 2009, go to awards.mepra.org

Written by: Elina

Monday, November 9, 2009

Challenges of international Arab public relations

One of the things that radically affected on the image of the Arab world was the attacs of September 11, 2001. Kirat (2005) explains that after September 11, 2001 the Arab world suffered from accusations, stereotypes and misconceptions which led to a situation where Arabs and Muslims have been portrayed as initiators of terrorist. I guess that most of us are familiar with these accusations and one-sided stories through international and our national media.

Kirat (2005) continues that Arabs, individuals, organizations and states have not managed to defend themselves and they have not been able to convey their true image. He also says that international Arab public relations have not met the challenges and have failed to market the real image of Islam and Arab, while the international media is strengthening the stereotypes and the wrong image of the Arab world (Kirat 2005).

There are lots of discussions about public relations challenges in the Arab world and many people criticize that PR in Arab states lacks of democracy and it is used as a tool of propaganda. This topic made me wonder how our "Western and developed" PR is any different? It is spreading one-sided, prejudice image of the Arab world and forgetting everything else. It loves to present the Western world as civilized, democratic and somehow better. Isn't this propaganda? Maybe it would be time to look at the mirror with an critical eye...It may not be only the Arab PR that lacks of democracy and atmosphere of freedom...

Reference: Kirat, Mohamed (2005). Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment. Public Relations Review. Vol.31 Issue 3, 323-332

Written by: Satu-Maria

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Historical perspective to PR in Arab countries

Public relations has existed in Arab countries since the beginning of their culture. There are evidence, that around year 2000 B.C. circular handwritten on papers told Babylonian farmers, how to increase their crop yields - Same kind of bulletin was used by U.S. department of agriculture nearly 4000 years later.

Propaganda seems to be used also already in ancient time. Assyrians were first to use pictorial bulletin to tell about their victories and raise enthusiasm in their home front. Same kind of strategy were used by Egyptian pharaos. They raise their support and stregthenged their soldiers' morale by using propaganda speeches.

Arabs also copied "pr practises" from ancient creeks. Public forums and depates were highly valued stages, were speakers persuaded their listeners - Now-a-days that kind of PR- technique might be called a special event.

Later in history Arab nations were influenced by western model of pr. That happened in 1930s, when international oil company started to explore arabian desert. But this recent history of Arab PR-past I'll come later.....

(Culbertson, H.M. & Chen. N. (1996) International public relations: a comparative analysis. Lawrence Erlbaum associates Inc. New Jersey. [239-241]

written by: Kimmo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Arabic PR Anti-terrorism

What is the best tool to share information nowadays?
Of course, Google.
What is the first link if you search for "arabic terrorism" in Google?



I think is clear how are they using information and PR with the world.

Written by Jorge

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Something old, something new, something borrowed...

After doing some googleing last night I have come to realize that there is one issue that is always controversial no matter where you are located on the globe. And by this I mean the issue of Nuclear Power.

The United Arab Emirates (UEA) is planning to build the Emirate's first nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi by the year 2020 in order to meet the national power requirement. The plant will be built in three phases: the first phase is planned to be ready in 2017, followed by the second and third phases in 2018 and 2019. The UEA government has forecasted that natural gas supplies, which is the primary power source in the UEA, will not be sufficient to meet the future demand and that is why it is necessary for the nation’s development to move to nuclear energy.

The use of nuclear energy is a current issue in Finland, too. In Finland there has been on-going debate over the past few years about whether to build more nuclear power plants in Finland or not. Several environmental organizations such as Greenpeace have been active in the public discussion and critically analyzed the safety aspects of nuclear energy. Scanning and monitoring such public discussions and concerns is a good example of how PR works: the core of the nuclear energy debate is to understand and to listen to each party’s point of view.

In order to oversee nuclear safety and security, the UAE has set up the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation "We totally understand the utmost importance of safety and security in using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes," said authority chairman Ahmad Mubarak al-Mazrouie. "We are committed to our role in guaranteeing the benefits of nuclear energy... in such a way that does not impact public safety or the environment," he was quoted as saying. I bet Mister al-Mazrouie has had some advice from a PR specialist before giving those statements. (Statements taken from nuclearpowerdaily.com)

Even though the Arab world may seem as being something mystical in the eyes of an European, the local PR practitioners struggle with the same issues and dilemmas as their European collegues. I guess it is sort of comforting to learn that the two worlds are not that different after all.

Written by: Elina

Monday, November 2, 2009

What is PR in Arab world?

As I started to find out what public relations is in Arab world I noticed that it was an area that has not been researched a lot yet. However, there is a huge interest to the topic and I think that public relations in Arab countries will be researched in the future more.

I read an interesting article written by Mohamed Kirat " Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment". He explains that "Public relations in Arab culture dates back to as far as 1200 years". Kirat also says that the PR was used during the Prophet Mohamed era to spread the new religion and message and after that to the teaching of Islam and democracy. It is obvious that public relations has a long tradition in the Arab world, but what is the situation today?

Kirat explains that the term public relations is often misunderstood and misappropriated in Arab world, which means that PR is public information and publicity, which objective is to portray postively those individuals and organizations whose task consist of performing secondary PR works. Haroon Sugich agrees with Kirat and says that "most PR is still perceived as advertising in sheeps clothes and most PR agencies are not more than promotional press release agencies". It is clear that there are weaknesses in public relations that needs to be developed. However, Kirat and Sugich want to emphasize the fact that there are also possibilities and professionalism in the field of public relations in Arab world. Sugich stress on that "there is lot of talent in the Arab world but it needs to be tapped and nurtured."

I found it especially interesting to see how much interest, knowledge and enthusiasm there is towards public relations in Arab world. I think it is challenging, but also very motivating environment to work on.

References: Kirat, Mohamed (2005). Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment. Public Relations Review. Vol.31 Issue 3, 323-332
Sugich, Haroon: New Opportunities in the Arab World.

Written by: Satu-Maria