In the beginning of 20th century applied Saudi states King Abdulaziz methods to communicate and interact with all parts of his country. There was no choise but to use interpersonal comminucation because lack of massmedia. He used majlis - a forum to conduct the business of the state and to talk people. The purpose was to permit idea exhance and public interaction. Also local shaiks started to use majlis to raise their credibitily and prestige among people. Majlis tradition has continued to present day as open court where the king enhances his credipility.
The year 1932 was a turning point in Saudi Arabian Pr field. That year was formed Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That kingdom faced new problems in communication: Leaders weren't able to keep touch so easily and great amount of people weren't easily kept satisfied. So King Abdulaziz used persuasion to convince religious leaders and other opinion leaders to share his view.
1935 Aramco - Arabian-American oil company - started to seek oil from Saudi Arabia. That company established a Reseach Department to study Saudi people's history, language etc. This was necessary to find a best way to communicate with the Saudi people. Now-a-days Aramco is controlled by Saudis and its PR- department is one of the biggest within Saudi Arabian covernmental agencies.
(Culbertson, H.M. & Chen. N. (1996) International Public Relations: a comparative analysis. lawrence Erlbaum associates Inc. New Jersey. [241-247]
The year 1932 was a turning point in Saudi Arabian Pr field. That year was formed Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That kingdom faced new problems in communication: Leaders weren't able to keep touch so easily and great amount of people weren't easily kept satisfied. So King Abdulaziz used persuasion to convince religious leaders and other opinion leaders to share his view.
1935 Aramco - Arabian-American oil company - started to seek oil from Saudi Arabia. That company established a Reseach Department to study Saudi people's history, language etc. This was necessary to find a best way to communicate with the Saudi people. Now-a-days Aramco is controlled by Saudis and its PR- department is one of the biggest within Saudi Arabian covernmental agencies.
(Culbertson, H.M. & Chen. N. (1996) International Public Relations: a comparative analysis. lawrence Erlbaum associates Inc. New Jersey. [241-247]
wrote: Kimmo
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