Monday, November 2, 2009

What is PR in Arab world?

As I started to find out what public relations is in Arab world I noticed that it was an area that has not been researched a lot yet. However, there is a huge interest to the topic and I think that public relations in Arab countries will be researched in the future more.

I read an interesting article written by Mohamed Kirat " Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment". He explains that "Public relations in Arab culture dates back to as far as 1200 years". Kirat also says that the PR was used during the Prophet Mohamed era to spread the new religion and message and after that to the teaching of Islam and democracy. It is obvious that public relations has a long tradition in the Arab world, but what is the situation today?

Kirat explains that the term public relations is often misunderstood and misappropriated in Arab world, which means that PR is public information and publicity, which objective is to portray postively those individuals and organizations whose task consist of performing secondary PR works. Haroon Sugich agrees with Kirat and says that "most PR is still perceived as advertising in sheeps clothes and most PR agencies are not more than promotional press release agencies". It is clear that there are weaknesses in public relations that needs to be developed. However, Kirat and Sugich want to emphasize the fact that there are also possibilities and professionalism in the field of public relations in Arab world. Sugich stress on that "there is lot of talent in the Arab world but it needs to be tapped and nurtured."

I found it especially interesting to see how much interest, knowledge and enthusiasm there is towards public relations in Arab world. I think it is challenging, but also very motivating environment to work on.

References: Kirat, Mohamed (2005). Public relations practice in the Arab World: A critical assessment. Public Relations Review. Vol.31 Issue 3, 323-332
Sugich, Haroon: New Opportunities in the Arab World.

Written by: Satu-Maria


  1. It seems to be as interesting journey as ours :)

  2. It is interesting that PR has such a long tradition in Arab world, yet there is no research done in this subject!

    At least I haven't heard/ read anything about PR in Arab world before. It will be interesting to follow your blog and findings on subject.. =)

  3. very interesting beginning, just on ahead :)

  4. Haha, what a stimulating thought about Prophet Mohamed's era being the time of the first PR professionals. It's funny because it's actually true! Funny how little times have changed though, if the focus of the PR field is still on one-sided communication, such as advertising, whereas most countries today emphasize the building of sustaining, mutual relationships... hmm, I think I'm going to enjoy reading this blog! You've had a very good start, the nuclear / terrorist stuff is definitely at the heart of what's going on in the Arabic PR field today...

    - Iina / Group 9

  5. It's always interesting - if also a bit depressing - to see opinions of PR as being described as a synonym for advertising, as you mention the case to at least somewhat be in the Arabic world (though that's how it seems to be, well, around the world).

    What I'd like to see more is people speaking of PR as a way of communicating facts and accurate accounts of how things are, which is what PR should be more about. Lying and exaggeration is not what public relations should be about, as they are quickly seen past, but about trustworthy information that seeks and helps to build long-term relationships and mutual trust with stakeholders.

